McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons McFly Cartoons
Thursday, August the 19th, 2010

Hi there! I hope you all are enjoying this web page. I just wanted to let you know, I'm having my holidays at the moment, what means I'm working to earn so money to pay the University on September. That's why I'm not online much, and I don't tweet much. That's why there's no new cartoons. Plus, I'm gonna let the Competition to last until September because I've got no time at the moment to choose the winners and send the T-shirts. I just wanted you to know this is a little break on McFly Cartoons, and lot of new stuff would be coming soon on September!! The come back will be amazing, I promise!! I'm working on a lot of new things I'm sure you'll like! I hope you understand and wait patiently (I hope you keep on waiting and you don't turn your backs to me! haha)

Lots of love, Doubtgirl xxx

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