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Friday, April the 9th, 2010

Hello everyone! What an eventful night was last night! It deserves a chapter on McFlyCartoons' Diary for sure! First of all, I want to thank you all for following me on twitter and for retweeting my tweets, it helped me make Tom and Dougie finally see my cartoons! I feel so lucky. I didn't even expect that to happen since I was about to climb into bed. I just thought: I'm gonna try one last time before I go to sleep....and look what happened! I'm happy I tried one last time! ha!

Tom retweeted as Dougie did, and they both replied to me, althought I didn't notice until all the people started tweeting about it LOL the same happened when Dougie started following McFlyCartoons, that's the coolest thing ever, I'll be grateful to you all forever. I just hope Dougie doesn't get tired of my tweets and unfollow me LOL.

By the way, when I started McFlyCartoons I said I will follow back each and everyone of you, and that won't change now. I still want to reclute a whole army of McFly fans from all around the world. And I also will keep on retweeting your drawings and everything as I've been doing until now. I just want you all to know that's all I'm gonna do. Some of you are asking me to tell them things, or to tell them to follow someone, etc, I just can't do that since I don't really talk to them and I just got my first reply from Dougie! I don't want to spam them, I've never spammed them and never will. You don't need to Spam them to get a reply, just tweet something original, and if it's original enough, I bet all mcfly fans would retweet it and they'll see it, and probably you'll get a reply. It's all about luck. I hope you all can understand that.

And to finish this chapter...just wanted to say you all if you want to talk to me, you should tweet at my personal account ( because the McFlyCartoons one is only for drawings and stuff. Once again, thank you all very much.

Doubtgirl xxx

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